When it comes to sustainable tourism, this subject is very polemic. So this reading is about building bridges! If we travel by cruise, what can we do to become a sustainable traveler who positively impacts the places we visit? Here are some suggestions:
We should be mindful of the water we use on every journey, particularly on cruise vacations.
Keep this in mind and take small steps like using a cup of water to wash your teeth and not letting it run, and also being aware of how much water you use in the shower. No matter where we are, this should be a daily habit, but be much more aware when traveling!
Be mindful of the energy you consume while riding the bicycle, and turn off the air conditioning, the television, and the lights when you leave your bedroom.
Be conscious about the plastics you use. It’s a good idea to bring your water bottle and fill it up from the stations, even if your beverage package includes bottled water.
Use the food provided at the buffet wisely; doing otherwise is wasteful and has an adverse effect on local communities and tourism. Imagine that the cruise ships arrive at the ports to replenish their food supplies. This could be improved.
The cruise ship is a kind of home for travelers during their vacation time. Therefore, the same care we provide to our home should be applied in our vacation.
This article focuses on improving as a tourist and considering our travel decisions. However, suppose you’re interested in evaluating and learning more about what the cruise lines are doing. In that case, you can find information about their efforts and commitments on each of their websites, as well as details about their water recycling programs and waste management strategies.
The cruise lines are making progress and must keep making progress to get closer to the goals of zero emissions and better sustainable tourism practices.
It’s about sharing how we can make it better and have a long-lasting tourism industry!
Life is good.
Vero Santiago